About Pam

 Hi There!

And welcome to the coolest site in the world ;)

My journey with art started at a young age. I started my own comic strip with some friends of mine in Elementary School. We were super human babies that magically grew up with superhero powers that were collected from a magical stone that came crashing through our crib. Oh wow, I really can't make this stuff up, LOL. Wish I still kept it!

Then entering High School I made another comic strip but this time I was discovering the ancient secrets of the Tomb's in Egypt! And that, yes wish I kept because it was SO GOOD! I also made a GIANT TOOTHBRUSH, yes you heard me right, with paper mache. Painted it Pink. Slapped on Oral B to it and used straws as the bristles. And a little over 7 feet later it was showcased at City Hall and 1 embarrassing photo in the year book .. well not embarrassing lets say proud - Thanks Mr. Weber! I would have to say the hardest part was taking it home. I had both windows opened in the car and people honking at me; also had to walk it one day and that was a 2 people crew! Like carrying a ladder sideways :S  And the weirdest thing of all. It went missing? Yes missing. I never did get it back. How do you loose a 7 ft toothbrush?! Anyway, whoever has it I hope they enjoy it as much as I did :)

As a child, I was such a big fan of Disney and wanted to be the NEXT DISNEY! I still dot my 'i's like him. As a kid there wasn't too much appreciation for the field of arts. Now you have animators, 3D artists, illustrators and so forth! There is so much to do out there! I remember my favourite book, 'The Little Prince,' at the very beginning where the pilot wanted a career in art but, 'the grown-ups advised me to put away my drawings ... and apply myself to geography, history, arithmetic, and grammar." Here's to the grown-ups out there.. SEE the boa constrictor digesting an elephant, it will get you a lot further in life - if I don't know what I mean by this click the 'for the grown ups' link below ;)

Anyway, now I paint from inspiration with oils, acrylics, and now heading into watercolors with some characters I am developing (stay tuned!) I encourage all of you to see the art in your cooking, your brushes, your hair, your clothes, your garden, your walks, your writing, and in your day. As my University Prof once said, 'Look for 10 things that awe you everyday, that make your jaw drop in how amazing it looks.' See what comes your way ;)

With love and friendship,

Be well. Be curious.

For the Grown Ups: Click Here :)


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